Low-Code development of web apps and mobile apps for enterprise needs

Our app development service offering is centered around enterprise grade software. It consists of both web development and mobile application development.

Correspondingly, we focus on complex, enterprise-scale Web applications and mobile applications that are part of comprehensive enterprise-grade IT solutions. Because of this, our typical mobile application allows a mobile device user to manage a large amount of diverse functionality. For the same reason, nearly any of our enterprise web apps can be referred to as a mobile web app.

At the same time, we develop web applications and mobile apps both as part of our comprehensive IT solutions and as standalone products. Mobile software-wise, we create both native mobile apps and non-native mobile apps.

Our distinctive trait is a very high development speed: all the software applications we deliver are based on our out-of-the-box Backendless Pro low-code solution. Backendless Pro enables us to deliver both web and mobile applications approximately twice faster than their average time-to-market.

Exceptionally among other out-of-the-box core IT solutions, the Backendless Pro low-code solution is geared to create high-traffic-load, enterprise-scale applications, empowered by intricate business logic. The solution is based on the Backendless low-code development platform. This general-purpose application development platform was designed by our parent company Backendless Corp. to enable the low-code development of large-scale web and mobile apps. From the outset, the platform was built to provide enterprise apps’ unfettered scalability and customizability. The product allows us to create the backend and front-end of multi-user Web apps and apps for mobile devices of any kind. Correspondingly, we can easily customize and extend our out-of-the-box solution to address virtually any Web or mobile app development requirements. This means that Backendless Pro is suitable for different verticals, types of interactivity, and end-user roles. Whether you need a mobile health app or a gaming app, our solution can help you with equal efficiency.

How you can benefit from our unique web development and mobile application development capabilities

Whether you are looking to develop a web app, a mobile app, or an all-round enterprise solution, you can benefit from a range of software-engineering strengths we have. These strengths stem from our technological excellence and previous enterprise-scale web development and mobile app development projects. In particular, they include:
  • The possibility to use the UI modeling functionality of the Backendless Pro solution to quickly create any kind of web or mobile experience.
  • The possibility to use the design of the Backendless product to considerably streamline the integration between the front-end and backend of your Web app or Mobile application.
  • The ability to implement extremely data-and GUI-intensive, large-scale apps, where a single user action can trigger changes across multiple application screens, as well as massive related recalculations.
  • The ability to implement enterprise Web apps with high concurrency and a very large transaction volume.
  • The ability to implement intricate data aggregation (e.g. Spending Analysis) functionality that allows current and historical data aggregation.      
  • Expertise in implementing high-speed concurrent calculations that involve massive amounts of data.
  • Expertise in designing and developing complex and highly interactive dashboards.
  • Skills in creating highly secure and highly scalable APIs that support a large number of transaction types and concurrent users.
  • Expertise in developing intricate multi-criteria search and user notification functionality for mobile apps, and other sophisticated functionality our enterprise applications provide.

Backendless Consulting’s software developers have a great command of multiple programming languages, modern cross-platform tools, and modern frameworks. Amongst others, the programming languages they have on their fingertips include Java and Node.Js. These two programming technologies are deemed to be very beneficial in the context of enterprise app development. Besides, our remarkable experience with Node.Js can provide your web app with excellent integration ability.

The enterprise apps we deliver always satisfy each and every intended use case. They never fail to allow mobile device users to easily manage complicated enterprise functionality. The low-code development capabilities we have at our disposal expedite your web development or mobile app development and render it a great deal more cost-effective.