Faster development of mobile banking solutions due to a scalable Core Technology and in-depth knowledge of mobile banking software development

Mobile Banking and FinTech solutions represent one of our major specialties. More particularly, we offer solutions for Mobile Banking, Consumer Banking, Personal Finance, Crowdfunding, and Peer-to-Peer lending.
Over the years, our team has gained vast experience in implementing enterprise-wide mobile banking projects. At present, we have in-depth understanding of a diverse multitude of mobile banking and FinTech business processes. Moreover, we have become well-versed in the ways to automate these mobile banking and Fintech processes.
Backendless Consulting’s Mobile Banking & FinTech practice takes our company’s flagship approach of providing the vast bulk of system functionality out of the box. Next, our experts craft an industry-specific customization on top of this out-of-the-box functionality. Our limitlessly scalable and highly customizable Backendless Pro solution has proven to be ideally suited to the mobile banking needs of financial institutions and FinTech companies’ digital needs. Using this solution allows you to reduce your mobile banking or FinTech application’s time-to-market by approximately a factor of two.
Our competencies and fortes, associated with Mobile Banking and FinTech software solutions
In one of our past project engagements, we were tasked with completely automating a bank’s Mobile Banking needs. Our experts refined and consolidated the financial institution’s mobile banking-related business processes. We have completely automated the bank’s interactions with their different audiences. As a result, our team has become exceedingly experienced in developing complex backend functionality for Web-based mobile banking apps and mobile devices. Besides, we have become skilled at creating advanced Web frontend for mobile banking software.
Presently, our fortes include multiple types of both private and corporate Mobile Banking functionality:
- Mobile banking account management. The ability for private clients to manage multiple accounts, including card accounts, from a Web-based mobile banking application or a mobile device.
- Money transfers. Money transfers for private clients, including utility payments. The possibility for the user to request another user to transfer money in their favor by sending them a corresponding message. The ability to transfer money for corporate customers.
- Cash flow management and Spending Analysis. Comprehensive cash flow management functionality for private and corporate clients, including advanced data aggregation for a specified period of time.
- Real-time processing of financial transactions. Functionality for the 24/7, near-instantaneous processing of private and corporate clients’ online financial transactions.
- Centralized financial management of a company’s business units. Wide-ranging corporate functionality for the centralized financial management of a company’s business units (this includes cash flow management with sophisticated data aggregation, the ability to comprehensively manage different business units’ accounts, money transfer management, Spending Analysis for the different business units, a complex hierarchy of permissions, and more).
- Push notifications. A system of push notifications about utilities-related debt, integrated with a national centralized record-keeping system.
- Remote account opening. The possibility to open an account by using a mobile device and without having to visit any of the bank’s brick-and-mortar branches.
- A system of marketing offers. The ability of the system to offer the user loans and deposits based on the user’s behavior in the system.
- A WhatsApp chatbot. A chatbot the bank’s customers use to perform a part of their operations. In particular, they can pay bills for utilities, check the balance in an account, or transfer money to another account.
The features of the mobile banking app that is part of your solution can include virtually any kind of advanced functionality. For example, we can implement the possibility to make a mobile deposit or to deposit checks electronically. Our development team is always keen to implement any additional options to make your mobile banking solution meet all of your financial institution’s business needs.
The mobile banking platform we have developed based on our out-of-the-box solution is completely scalable. It is remarkably robust and capable of supporting a very large number of concurrent users. The platform provides advanced security settings that efficiently prevent its unauthorized use. We also achieve a remarkable ease of use of our mobile banking functionality by implementing a number of quick-action menus for quick access to the functions and information the client needs.
As a part of a bank-wide digital transformation effort, our team has conducted migration of massive volumes of customer data. Besides, we have become experienced in installing our mobile banking-customized solution in banking environments with extremely high security and legal requirements.
Complete Mobile Banking solutions and Fintech solutions within a very short timeframe
We offer end-to-end development of mobile banking and FinTech solutions that provide advanced and feature-rich functionality. These solutions can include a backend, a web application, and a mobile app. Whether you need to develop feature-rich FinTech software, implement a mobile banking app, or develop a comprehensive mobile banking solution, odds are you can do it much faster and more affordably with our customizable out-of-the-box product.
Notably, our ability to deliver FinTech and mobile banking functionality a lot faster than others is not limited to the backend only. The UI Builder of our anchor Backendless no-code platform allows you to achieve time savings while developing frontend mobile banking functionality, including functionality for mobile devices.
Our assistance can help your financial institution quickly become equipped to counter the competition in the mobile banking space. We can help you turn into one of the leading FinTech or mobile banking providers on your market. With us, you can quickly start offering premium-quality customer service that allows your clients to use a mobile device to make financial transactions or access bank information.
Whichever FinTech area your project is in, we will likely offer a more optimal solution to your business needs.