Faster frontend development that makes enterprise apps easier to use

The composite IT consulting and app development solutions we deliver include Frontend Development. We also offer Frontend Development as a standalone service.

In either case, our Frontend Development services focus largely on the front-end web development for complex, enterprise-scale apps. However, as a company that delivers end-to-end enterprise IT solutions, we also develop the frontend of the mobile apps these solutions include. Hence is one of our defining features as a provider of frontend development services: we are apt at making complex and intricate parts of an app’s functionality easy to use. Moreover, we can do this regardless of whether it is a Web application or a mobile app. In the realm of complex enterprise applications, this competence carries a lot of weight.

Significant frontend development experience

In our previous project engagements, we have developed several types of functionality that is illustrative of our ability to implement vastly demanding Web and mobile frontends:

  • Intricate search functionality of a mobile networking app.
  • Complex and extremely GUI-intensive construction management functionality.
  • Exceedingly complex and dynamically updated dashboards for differet business purposes, and other similarly complex frontend functionality.

Our project portfolio amply demonstrates the ability of our front end developers to create an easily navigable frontend for any enterprise-grade backend.  

Unique low-code frontend development technology


One more distinctive trait we have as a team of front-end developers is our reliance on, and consummate grasp of the low-code enterprise application development platform our parent company Backendless Corp. develops.

Using the Backendless platform gives our front-end developers an edge over other front end web development teams and mobile developers alike. This edge consists in platform’s the ability to speed up virtually any kind of frontend development. The application both facilitates frontend development and allows you to deliver the result much sooner. The sophisticated UI builder of the Backendless low-code platform enables this by providing a wide range of diverse templates and themes. The software can help create even highly sophisticated and complicated front-end interfaces.

Eminently qualified front end developers who deliver great results


Our front-end developers have an excellent grasp of several front-end development frameworks. They use web technologies to develop the frontends of enterprise applications for a range of verticals and business purposes. The front-end interfaces we create always take into account all the website’s visitor-facing aspects. They have good cross-browser compatibility, work perfectly well in all major browsers, and have a good visual appeal.

A windfall front end development opportunity when it comes to enterprise applications


Frontend development is one of the most essential things in enterprise application development. Not every team of front-end developers is capable of developing the frontend for a feature-rich enterprise backend. If you need to develop a highly usable and visually appealing frontend to manage with ease a significant amount of wide-ranging enterprise functionality, our front end development services may well be the most optimal solution to your frontend development needs. Similarly, our front-end developers are a great option if you want your front end development effort to proceed at a faster-than-average pace. Our low-code front end development capabilities help reduce your product’s time-to-market without compromise in terms of web design or usability.